Tuesday, May 3, 2011


In October of 2010 I released The Critical Secret for Success at Chess and Anything Else. It's pricey because the SECRET is worth it.

You can think of it as a Tutor or Tutorial, or a consultation.

Other books will be available in the Series and they won't contain that high of price tag, but they won't be cheap either. The Next one will be on Planning and Preparation. Work has begun and an example of it can be seen in issue #128 of The Chess Reports, the last issue of TCR. CDs will be made available of ALL of the PDFs and with a huge discounted price... and of course if they are on CD they can be printed out as you need them.

They will also be available for individual download when my web site is up.

Most players do little or no planning. Even GM Nigel Short admitted a while back that he doesn't keep track of everything he has played before. He kind of reminds me of GM Reshevsky only a lot funnier and taller. But even though Short wins games by playing "old stuff" he does have a much harder time when he is up against the BEST. These guys understand chess and they do have the ability to "ferret" out good moves at the board too!

For the rest of us, Planning and Preparation is useful. And one thing you will discover during that time is "all kinds" of other things that will help make you a better player. You can see some examples of this in Issue #128, which will be released next week. If you would like to pick up the whole semester, you can, at a ONE WEEK special price only. That is, if you subscribe to Semester 10 you will get the Bonus Issue #128, which will make the total run more than 2,000 pages if you add in the other 9 semesters; and you will get a CD of games from 91-128 later this year. On top of that, all eleven issues will only be $50 (instead of $69.95), a savings of twenty bucks.

One week, expires a week from this Friday, May 13, 2013. After that, no more special offers. I still take Credit Cards (Visa, MC, Discover) and PayPal, checks, MOs, and sometimes, cash (like if you have an appointment).

Contact me at: bob@thinkerspressinc.com

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