Thursday, September 9, 2010


My friend George Laven, formerly from the southern tip of Florida, has recently relocated to Tennessee after selling his boat and fishing business. George I am really looking forward to chatting with you when you get here!

George paid for his Last Chess Clinic registration by PayPal and you can too! Enter the amount in the right place on PayPal and my email address is what many know it to be: -- I'll process you, send you a receipt and we're done! It's that easy.

Some people have to go to a web site for anything they want on the net instead of just simply contacting someone by email, which George, and many others do, in 5 seconds. No B.S., no surveys, no remembering your password, setting up an account or any of that. However, soon I will be setting up a Purdy account for the new publication, the Purdy Chess Chronicles. So pretty soon I will be part of all that crapola.

See you soon or see you later. If you have any questions just drop me a line.

I just emailed a couple dozen Newsletters (#3) to "prospective" chess authors" (or any other kind of authors). Worth reading.

If you would like a copy, send me an email to:

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