Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Looks like something from a Marvel comic doesn't it? It's a piece of Merlin the Magician done by my friend and artist Bill Hannan, the guy who designed all the t-shirts for my past Chess Festivals.

The rest of the art will be on the cover of the book I am preparing called: CHESS SECRETS. Subtitle isn't finish yet. Basically this book by myself will uncover a well "hidden" secret about how to get really good at chess, and almost anything else. It's been hiding in Plain Sight for years and the GMs and IMs absolutely understand what it is if they think about it long enough. Some may not have even been aware of what they were doing.

Once the "secret" is out there is a lot more to consistent winning than just knowing the secret. This will be covered too as well as many other analogies and a discussion of prodigies, geniuses such as Mozart and others... all is NOT as it seems. Merlin, however, was in HIS own class.

Initially the book will only be available to those who come to the Last Chess Clinic (#6). It is a $99.95 book, less than a dollar a page. But Chess Clinic attendees will be able to pick it up for $39.95. Guaranteed satisfaction or your money back. Shipping is FREE for now because you will be picking it up at the Last Chess Clinic. I already have almost a dozen pre-orders.

Other prices, other options, and so on will be outlined tomorrow. For the time being, I have to get the NEW Chess Clinic brochure out to everyone who wants a copy. Sign in to this Blog and send me an email at: and I will send you one at no cost nor obligation to you.

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