Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Robert Newshutz is, I believe, from Minnesota. He said he would publicize the Chess Soiree to take place in Red Wing, MN with GM Alex Yermolinsky.

His blog is: http://newshutzchess.blogspot.com

Similar to where this Blogpost is coming from, Google.

Tonight and tomorrow I will be putting touches (finishing ones) on the first real Announcement publicizing this event. I hope you folks will read it in the spirit in which it is written: To get you to come to a fine event, have a good time, and learn something along the way.

I plan to discuss the subject of PLANNING which is so poorly covered in chess and to which I have been its victim more than once. Purdy's ghost will have a few words to add also.

GM Yermolinsky will be discerning with us the value of GM Viktor Moskalenko's new work, Revolutionize Your Chess. This was originally going to be part of the Las Vegas Chess Book Camp, but for various reasons, that has been reworked.

It's $189 for two days. There are discounts, but you have to MOVE on it.
More details coming, but why wait--plunge in, the water will be fine.

Contact: bob@thinkerspressinc.com

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