People are still "inventing" bogus holiday events like this Kwanzaa thing which started in California (?). If you have nothing to do, come over to my place and help me sort pieces I want to send out as direct mail to former customers.
Which leads into Tim S. in Hesperia CA who I haven't heard from in a long time. He took me up on my offer of $400 worth of Thinkers' Press products including the latest Semester of The Chess Reports, for $99.95. Fortunately, just in time boxes have arrived where I can ship out this jumbo-package (almost 8 pounds) to guys like Tim who got my 4 page Christmas flyer today. If perchance you didn't get one, I'll send one to you (George E. I hope you got yours this time.)
In this fistful of words and special, which took almost two days and one night to put together, I have attempted to free up some space at the office to put all the new goodies coming in. I even had to postpone Purdy's My Search for Chess Perfection as I ran out of them! And people from overseas are becoming a good backbone to my business here in the states. I have asked my web master for an update to my upcoming web site.
Resellers are looking forward to some TPi reprints for 2011.
As for the US Post Office I keep wondering how they can be running red ink when I am always having to stand in line at the PO because the postmaster refuses to put more people at the front counter. And sometimes the line runs out the doorway. The massive mailers, the rates for air travel overseas, invoices, and all that means lots of mail is being shipped. Unfortunately, being a former government worker, I know that until TODAY, there have been pay increases year after year for federal workers, ones who make no more contributions to their job than they did before (last year), supposedly because of inflation. If I don't work harder now than I did last year, the results are the same or worse. I can't even ship from my house like some others can, because I have a menageries of mail deliverers all on different schedules.
But I look forward to this season of holiday cheer and festivities. It always makes for a great mood.
One former customer called today because I listed a phone number on that 4-page Special, which I do from time to time. He doesn't know how to use computers or email and doesn't really want to learn. I quit posting my phone number when all that would happen is cause me to get phone calls from people who are too lazy to read and would ask me questions which were already answered in my Newsletters.
DON'T FORGET. The Special prices on "Quality Chess" books ends tonight at Midnight. Several titles are already out of stock. I will get some more to fill your orders. The book on the Benko Gambit by Pinski is temp. out of print. Tiger's Modern is also temp. out of print but I have one left for whoever asks first.
That's enough for now.